Thursday, April 19, 2007

First Paragraph

In The Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac there are two main characters that reach for the same goal in different ways. Both Ray Smith and Japhy Ryder are looking for spirituality and enlightenment. Both men have very different personalities that mesh fairly well together. Japhy is very Zen and into calm eastern ideas and he is living as a Buddhist man. Ray believes that you need to be all for purity and all against lustfulness. Ray is just trying to figure the whole thing out and fighting the religion instead of peacefully following it.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Dharma Bums 149 - 171

"Suddenly I was exhilarated to realize I was compleatly alone and safe and nobody was going to wake me up all night long." pg155

He is exhilarated about the idea of sleep wich must be really exciting but it is also sort of odd to be excited to sleep. He likes the feeling of security even though he is compleatly alone. He was all set and it was a great feeling for him.

"The whole trip had been as swift and enlightening as a dream, and I was back." pg 161

He had just gone through many differnt states and even Mexico too a differnt country. He had met a ton of differnt people and learned a ton about him. He was now back to his friends. Still seperated from everyone else. But not compleatly independent anymore.

Dharma Bums 120-149

"Everything is possible. I am God. Iamn Buddah, I am an imperfect Ray Smith..." pg 122
I liked this quote because when he said it he seemed to be very content. Even though he was alone on Chistmas. He says he is imperfect. God and Buddah in the eyes of money are the one they look up to. The head of their whole relgion he says he is both of these relgious figures and an "imperfect" Ray Smith.

"And you know I say funny bit there's sumpthin so durned sensible about 'em. Here I am killin myself drivin this rig back and forth from Ohio to L.A. and I make more money than you ever had in your whole life as a hobo, but you're the one who enjoys life and not only that but you do it without workin or a whole lot of money. Now who's smart, you or me?" pg 129
This quote shows the difference between the two mens life styles. I could not say wich is better having not lived either. They both live differnet lifes and are both gaining something from it. The truck driver has a constant supply of money and never has to worry about it. But is he enjoying life as much as Ray.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Food not Bomb
- Contacts

Paper Topic

Why they live the way they do

Monday, April 16, 2007

Dharma Bums 94-120

"Outittin me friends for the Apocalypse." pg 107

This is said by Japhy when they are in the ski store and right ater they left the Army Navy store. They have gotten every nessicary thing that they could pozzibly need. If the world should come to and end they would be set. They have everything they need and don't need to come back. They have compleat freedome.

"I am now on the road to heaven." pg 113

Ray says this right after Rosie dies. He feels someone guilty because he says that he should have seen it coming. He wants to live a good lie, heaven. He wants to live for Rosie and for what she missed in life.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Dharma Bums 72- 94

"Well thats right," I said. "The whole purpose of mountain climbing to me isn't just to show off you can get to the top, its getting out to this wild counrty."
"Well I'm gonna go," said Japhy
"Well if you're gonna go I'm going with you." pg 81

Ray compleatly controdicts himself here. He says he doesn't need to get to the top. But as soon as Japhy says he is going he says he will too. I think that he sort of feels like he does't nessisarily compeat with Japhy but he deffinatly wants to be able to keep up with him and not seem weaker.

"Oh what a life this is, why do we have to be born in the first place, and only so we can have out poor gentle flsh laid out to such impossible horrors as huge mountains and rock and empty space," pg 83

This puts things into perspective. These mountains are here and were here first. The peole climbing them dont matter, but to the people its huge and can be life threatening

Dharma Bums 49-72

"Well you boys goin huntin this mournin?"
"No''m," said Japhy, "just climbing Matterhorn."
"Matterhorn, why I woudln't do that if somebody paid me a thousand dollars!" pg 51

This quote I found interesting because it showed how different they are then the normal people. Even people of the back county area didn't climb this mountain. They do things out of the ordinary, and out of the normal peoples ideas.

"Look over there," sang Japhy, "yellow aspens. Just put me in the mind of a haiku....." pg 59

This really shows Japhy's personality and how he sees things. He sees these trees and thinks what he can write about them and a haiku comes to his mind. This shows him and his unique talent. each one of them is good at differnt things and this is his like when smith thanks him for teachihng him writeing.

Dharma Bums 24-49

"Gee I wonder what will happen to him in the end."
" I think he'll end up like Han Shan living alone in the mountains writeing poems on the walls of cliffs, or chanting them to crowds outside his cafe." pg 32

This quote is said by Alvah to Ray about Jahpy. This quote I founs interesting because in kind of implys that Han Shan did this to get away. Not just because he wanted to but because he was not accepted and could not live in normal society. Alvah says this when Jahpy is really angree about something and this maybe impys that he will end up not accepted and not be able to live a nomral life ever.

"Thats the story of my life ritch or poor and mostly poor or truly poor." pg 45

This is said by Ray to Japhy about buying drinks. Ray moves around a lot and has many odd jobs and ways of getting money but not really one steady cash flow. He does not save his money when he has it he spends it and this is something very new to Japhy. He has grown up poor and always saving every last penny and not spludging on anything even drinks.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Final Presentation

Food-Not-Bombs Activists

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Dharma Bums 1-24

"I took pitty on him and went over and said, "How about a little wine to warm you up? Maybe you'd like some bread and cheese to go with you sardines." pg 4

This quote shows how caring the narrator is. He is with some random bum that he has never met before and acts very intraverted. He says nothing to the narrator but still he offers him food and wine. This shows his personality and that he is very nice to people.

"I'd huddle and meditate on the warmth, the actual warmth of God, to obviate the cold; then i'd jump up and and flap my arms and legs and sing." pg 6

The two parts of this quote show great contrast. This could leed up to other htings in the book. This man meditates and then flaps his arms. He is useing the actual warmth of God to not be very cold. But he does not rely on it he also jumps around for warmth.

Friday, April 6, 2007
- David Brower

Sunday, April 1, 2007

"Are These Actual Miles" by Raymond Carver

"They buy what they want. It they can't pay they charge. They sign up."
Leo is talking about that Toni and their kids spend a lot of money on everything. If they don't have the money they just charge it to the credit card witch still looses the family money. Toni says earlier says that when she was a kid she had to do without and that these kids will not do with out. She spoils them for what she never had. He talks about spending $200 on a dog that was dead in the road a week later. He is spending money on things that aren't paying off and not at all lasting.

"He listens to the traffic on the highway and considers whether he should go to the basement, stand on the utility sink, and hang himself with his belt. He understands he is willing it be dead."
Leo is thinking this when Toni is out with the man that is buying the car. He is very distraught and freaking out at home about Toni being gone so long, which makes seance because she is his wife. This shows how upset he is and that he really doesn't value his own life very highly.