Monday, May 14, 2007

NCVS 56-80

"Shave without blades." page 61
This is something that is nearly impossible. The poem is called "Things My Relgion Make Me Do." This is something that you can't do. It is asking so much of you. It wants you to shave but wont let you do it with a razor. I looks down upon everything but expects so much from the people who follow it. It is asking it's fallowers to do so much and give up so much.

"There are too many iron girds in California." page 75
This quote remimded me of how we were talking about living of the grid, and the grid generation. Everyone is connected. Everyone has power and telophone lines going to their house. There are very few places that are off the grid. This quote kind of says that CA is just full of them, everything is in the grid, so many grids.

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